Each day it’s a drop off between 8.30am - 9.00am, please be on time as it holds up the whole group if you are running late.
Once you arrive with your child you need to come into the office and sign them in every day.
Child collection is from 3.30pm – 4.00pm each day and again you must come into the office and sign them out each day.
The emphasis on these camps is to get out and enjoy the amazing countryside we live in.
Children are required to have a change of clothing and if possible, waterproofs, plus an old pair of trainers, if they have walking boots then those will be perfect. A small day sac is required too as we will be making a lowland navigation walk during the week.
A road worthy bike is also required along with a CE approved cycle helmet.
We will need bikes by Tuesday morning, they will stay here for the week and be lock inside one of the buildings.
During the week we will cover basic bike maintenance such as fixing a puncture and resetting a slipped bike chain.
Food / Lunch :
A packed lunch is required plus a morning and afternoon snack for the day. They need to have drinks so a water bottle for the day is ideal and we have water refill stations onsite.
Medical :
Inhaler / medicines (allergies documentation & emergency information form)
The age range for our kids camps are : 8 – 13 years old.
Cost : The cost is £175.
Weather can have an effect on our daily plans but our normal activities include:
Each day we will start the day with a gentle child based workout session.
During the week we will cover rescue skills & first aid including recovery positions and CPR.
Woodland adventure and shelter building / Treasure Hunt & capture the flag games.
Orienteering & Navigation skills.
Nature trail and bushcraft, plus if the weather allows then we will do some fire building.
Cycle skills including basic bike maintenance such as changing an inner tube and re-seating a chain.
We will also be playing a vast amount of games including, badminton, volleyball, basketball, traditional sports day, slacklining, team building, along with problem solving, and other outdoor games and activities.
The indoor rotating climbing wall will also be in action.
On the Wednesday we will be making our own pizza for lunch, We supply the pizza base and the tomato sauce, the children just need to bring toppings and cheese of thier choice.
Thursday tends to be the S'mores making day, which are amazing after an outdoor walk.
Friday will be the day we make jacket potato & sweet potatoes in the fire pit.
This camp is all about having plenty of fun and adventure in this amazing countryside we live in.
Note :
All activities are subject to change depending on the weather.
The above is to give you an idea of what we will be doing during a day.
Please be aware we need a minimum of 8 children on each week of the camps for them to run.
Mobile Phones :
We would ask that mobile phones use is kept to a minimum on these camps, please be aware we may ask that phones are put away or we may hold onto phones and return them at the end of each day if they are being used excessively.
If you have any questions please email Jason on jason@knockburn.co.uk.

To book your child on to the camp just book online.
Dates :
Week 1 Five days - 14th to 18th October